By checking 'I Agree' below and submitting this form, you, the Parent or Guardian of the above student, agree to release Orlando Community Arts and its partners, including instructors and assistants from liability for any and all injuries which may occur while training, practicing, performing, or during any studio event or activity. You also agree that you are responsible for health and accident insurance and any medical costs incurred due to injury. You give permission for emergency medical transportation and treatment of your student(s) at your expense should the need arise. You also give your permission for the public display of any studio visual images that your child may appear in.
Clicking "I agree" below, constitutes an electronic signature.
Thank you for completing this form.
Registration is not complete until the payment has been submitted for your dancer.
Click the button below to submit the form, then scroll up to the top of the page to pay the $35 registration fee via Venmo for each registration.
Thanks for completing the first part of your registration! Scroll up to the top right side of this page to make your $35 payment for each dancer via Venmo.